DDTC, Dual/3rd Party Nationals, State Dept
By: Holly Thorne DDTC provides the considerations below, in addition to a sample questionnaire and sample non-disclosure agreement, for the Dual/Third National Rule.” To prevent diversion of ITAR-controlled defense articles, including technical data, to unauthorized...
DDTC, Dual/3rd Party Nationals, State Dept
By: Holly Thorne On August 15, the State/DDTC amended the ITAR with a policy that addresses transfers to the employees of approved dual national and third-country national organizations. Prior to making transfers to certain dual national and third-country national...
DDTC, Dual/3rd Party Nationals
By: Holly Thorne DDTC provides the considerations below, in addition to a sample questionnaire and sample non-disclosure agreement. To prevent diversion of ITAR-controlled defense articles, including technical data, to unauthorized end-users and end-uses consideration...
DDTC, Dual/3rd Party Nationals, Export License, ITAR
Foreign nationals (other than U.S. permanent residents and protected individuals) must be licensed by the U.S. Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) before receiving access to technical data controlled for export under the International...
DDTC, Dual/3rd Party Nationals, Export License
By: Danielle McClellan Any US company who has employed a foreign national knows that a DSP-5 is going to be required to give the employee any access to any ITAR-related technical data or defense services. There are however instances where DDTC required a TAA along...
BIS, China, Dual/3rd Party Nationals, Export License, Violations & Fines
By: Danielle McClellan Late last year we published an article about a University of Tennessee professor and a physicist from Atmospheric Glow Technologies Incorporated who violated the Arms Export Control Act when they allowed a Chinese foreign national to have access...